Everyone dreams to have the PERFECT Halloween costume. Every year I’m either spooky or funny. Last year I decided to be the iconic samba singer, Carmen Miranda! She is super funky, beautiful and (let’s be honest) wears a giant fruit bowl on her head. How can that not be adorable?

When I was a wee teenager, I just knew her as that persona that people at parties used to impersonate. Lucy is not an exception to that stereotype:

Because I was just an uneducated teenager, I just referred to her as the Chiquita Banana lady. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to be her for my Halloween costume! It wasn’t helping that every time I perused my local Dollar Tree, there were copious amounts of artificial fruit. Even Hobby Lobby had artificial donuts!
Whenever I plan a costume, I like to see what I have lying around the house that would work just perfect for my look. A certain two piece ruffled swimsuit came to mind. It was then that I decided to take the leap and design my Carmen Miranda Chiquita Banana costume around my very first swimsuit I EVER made and designed.
(you can find a similar style on my etsy page here)
Now, I am a crafty gal, so you can imagine my wheels were spinning. A trip to the Dollar Tree was had. With glue gun in hand, a buffet of artificial fruit and scrap fabric, I created the coolest masterpiece that I ever placed upon my head….If you look closely, you can see a dent in the apple. It was quite a challenge that night getting into my chariot to the par-tay!
Can I just say, that I felt awesome?!Side note, my lipstick color is “MANDARIN” By Smashbox! WHAT A COINCIDENCE.
How fun can a party be when an alien and Carmen Miranda show up?!
Now, after all that creating, treat yourself to some real fruit and go get your Samba on!
One last hurrah, before I end my blog. Before year’s end, I was able to recycle a portion of my Carmen Miranda look for our family Holiday card. I spy some Samba arm ruffles….
Happy Halloween!